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Flouride Treatments​​

Fluoride treatments can keep your and your family’s smiles healthy and strong. This mineral helps keep teeth safe from bacterial deposits and other problems that can wear down on the enamel. If you are wondering how Rosenberg Family Dentistry can protect your teeth, call and come in for an appointment. Our dentist, Dr. Joe Rosenberg, can provide you or your child with a fluoride treatment in Great Bend, Larned or St. John, Kansas.

Fluoride is a mineral that is naturally found in water and many foods. While you receive a certain amount of fluoride from your diet and from using toothpaste with fluoride, we may recommend fluoride treatment to further strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities.


Fluoride helps to strengthen your teeth and protect them from tooth decay. As you eat and drink throughout the day, bacteria, sugars and acids constantly attack and demineralize the enamel of your teeth. Fluoride works to remineralize tooth enamel, preventing tooth decay and cavities. In addition, fluoride can strengthen teeth as they develop to make sure they are strong and healthy. This makes fluoride very important for children as their teeth grow in.


Our dentist and team members may recommend professional fluoride treatment during your regular dental checkup. We may suggest further fluoride treatment if your teeth are prone to decay or if you are not receiving a sufficient amount of fluoride from other sources. Professional fluoride is available in the form of a gel, varnish or foam. Fluoride treatment is just one of the ways our team helps you keep your smile healthy for a lifetime. For more information about preventive dentistry and the benefits of fluoride, we welcome you to contact us today. We are eager to care for your smile!



How Does Fluoride Treatment Help?

Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, is found in different sources such as water, food, toothpaste, and mouth rinses. Using fluoride regularly can help strengthen your teeth. Every day our teeth lose minerals like calcium and phosphate, which can make the enamel weaker. Fluoride helps with the re-absorption of these minerals and also prevents decay. In some cases, fluoride can reverse mild dental decay.


What Can You Expect During Your Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride treatment can be applied topically or systematically. The in-office treatment is topical and involves the use of fluoride varnish, gels, and foams. The dentist will first deep clean the teeth to get rid of buildup. Using swabs or brush, the dentist will apply fluoride on the surface of the teeth. You should avoid eating food 30 minutes after the gel or foam solution is applied to allow the fluoride to be absorbed.


​How Many Times Should You Get Fluoride treatment?

The ADA recommends getting the in-office fluoride treatment every three, six, or 12 months depending on your dental health. If you are at risk of dental cavities, then having frequent treatments may be recommended.


​Should Children Get Fluoride Treatments?

Yes, but if they are above three years. Children are prone to dental cavities, and it is paramount to protect the primary teeth (act as placeholders) to support their dental health.
Fluoride treatment is recommended for children, but adults can also benefit from it, especially if they suffer from:

  • ​Dry mouth. Saliva not only contains fluoride but helps to clean the teeth of any food particles and therefore prevents bacteria growth. Having a low production of saliva will increase your risk of developing dental cavities because you don’t have enough saliva to clean the mouth.

    The presence of dental restorations, such as bridges and crowns, can warrant regular fluoride treatments. The crowns, veneers, and bridges can trap food particles and weaken the teeth.

  • Periodontal disease leads to receding gums, which exposes your teeth to bacterial attacks and makes them prone to decay.

  • If you are undergoing radiation therapy, you need fluoride support. Radiation causes dry mouth and increases the risk of decay. Furthermore, it affects the dental tissue and increases the risk of de-mineralization, which causes the enamel to weaken and be prone to attack.


What Are the Other Ways of Preventing Cavities?

Proper hygiene is essential for you and your children. Ensure you brush twice daily and use an antibacterial mouth rinse. Also, visit Rosenberg Dentistry for your routine dental checkup, and our dental team will assess and treat your teeth.

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